学历: 博士研究生 所属部门: 生物化学与分子生物学
职称: 教授 专业: 生物化学与分子生物学(博士、硕士)
联系电话: 0538-8249303 E-mail: cawu@yopin365.com
吴长艾,女,im体育巨野人。2004年获得im体育农业大学理学博士学位,至今在im体育农业大学im体育工作。生物化学与分子生物学国家级教学团队成员。承担本科生《生物化学A》、《基础生物化学B》和《im体育》;研究生《im体育》等课程的教学工作。“泰山学者”特聘岗位学术骨干。主要从事重要粮食作物谷子、玉米及模式植物拟南芥耐盐、抗旱等重要基因的克隆与鉴定,探讨其调控机制,挖掘优异等位变异并研究其在作物遗传改良上的应用,进行新种质资源筛选和创制。完成并承担转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项、国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、教育部“长江学者创新团队发展计划”子课题、im体育自然科学基金重大基础研究计划、中央引导地方科技发展计划、im体育农业良种工程子课题和im体育自然科学基金等课题10余项。获国家发明专利8项,im体育自然科学二等奖1项。在《Molecular Plant》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《RNA》和《im体育》等国内外著名学术期刊发表研究论文60余篇。
承担本科生《im体育》(双语),《im体育》;研究生 《im体育》等课程。
im体育自然科学基金重大基础研究项目《利用CRISPR/Cas9 基因组编辑技术创制玉米抗旱耐盐新种质》,2018-2020,主持
国家自然科学基金《水稻干旱、盐胁迫相关microRNAs的分离和表达调控分析》 2006-2008,主持
Lei Zhang, Zipeng Yu, Yang Xu, Miao Yu, Yue Ren, Shizhong Zhang, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Kang Yan, Chengchao Zheng, Changai Wu* (2021)Regulation of the stability and ABA import activity of NRT1.2/NPF4.6 by CEPR2-mediated phosphorylation in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 14: 633-646
Lei Zhang, Yue Ren, Qian Xu, Yiman Wan, Shizhong Zhang, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Kang Yan, Chengchao Zheng, Changai Wu* (2021) SiCEP3, a C-terminally encoded peptide from Setaria italica, promotes ABA import and signaling. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72 (18): 6260–6273.
Shasha Liu, Rui Yang, Miao Liu, Shizhong Zhang, Kang Yan, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Chengchao Zheng, Changai Wu* (2020) PLATZ2 negatively regulates salt tolerance in Arabidopsis seedlings by directly suppressing the expression of the CBL4/SOS3 and CBL10/SCaBP8 genes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71 (18): 5589–5602.
Zipeng Yu, Di Zhang, Yang Xu, Songsong Jin, Lei Zhang, Shizhong Zhang, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Kang Yan, Changai Wu*, Chengchao Zheng (2019) CEPR2 phosphorylates and accelerates the degradation of PYR/PYLs in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70 (19): 5457–5469.
Zipeng Yu, Yang Xu, Lin Liu, Yarong Guo, Xisen Yuan, Xinyu Man, Chang Liu, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Kang Yan, Chengchao Zheng, Changai Wu,* and Shizhong Zhang* (2019) The Importance of Conserved Serine for C-Terminally Encoded Peptides Function Exertion in Apple. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 775.
Shicai Zhang, Rui Yang, Yanqing Huo, Shasha Liu, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Chengchao Zheng, Changai Wu* (2018) Expression of cotton PLATZ1 in transgenic Arabidopsis reduces sensitivity to osmotic and salt stress for germination and seedling establishment associated with modification of the abscisic acid, gibberellin, and ethylene signaling pathways. BMC Plant Biology, 18: 218
Yumeng Chen, Yan Wang, Jinguang Huang, Chengchao Zheng, Congxi Cai, Qiaomei Wang, Changai Wu* (2017) Salt and methyl jasmonate aggravate growth inhibition and senescence in Arabidopsis seedlings via the JA signaling pathway. Plant Science 261: 1-9.
Caili Wang, Shicai Zhang, Shengdong Qi, Chengchao Zheng, Changai Wu* (2016) Delayed germination of Arabidopsis seeds under chilling stress by overexpressing an abiotic stress inducible GhTPS11. GENE, 575: 206-212.
Changtian Chen, Changai Wu1, Jiaming Miao, Yunxue Lei, Dongxiao Zhao, Dan Sun, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang and Chengchao Zheng. (2014) Arabidopsis SAG protein containing the MDN1 domain participates in seed germination and seedling development by negatively regulating ABI3 and ABI5. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(1): 35-45.
Nana Ma, Hailong Feng, Xia Meng, Dong Li, Dongyue Yang,Changai Wu*, Qingwei Meng*. (2014)Overexpression of tomato SlNAC1 transcription factor alters fruit pigmentation and softening. BMC Plant Biology, 14:351.
Yunxue Lei, Yaru Fu, Changtian Chen, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu*. (2014) Overexpression of Arabidopsis wali7 domain-containing protein ASR produces auxin-mediated short-root phenotype.Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 33:355-363.
Yanjie Li, Yi Fang, Yaru Fu, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu*, Chengchao Zheng*. (2013) NFYA1 is involved in regulation of postgermination growth arrest under salt stress in Arabidopsis. PLoS One, 8(4): e61289.
Peng Liu, Kang Yan, YunXue Lei, Rui Xu, YueMin Zhang, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu*, Chengchao Zheng*. (2013) Transcript profiling of microRNAs during the early development of the maize brace root via Solexa sequencing. Genomics, 101: 149-156
Kang Yan, Peng Liu, Chang-Ai Wu, Guo-Dong Yang, Rui Xu, Qian-Huan Guo, Jin-Guang Huang, and Cheng-Chao Zheng. (2012) Stress-Induced Alternative Splicing Provides a Mechanism for the Regulation of MicroRNA Processing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Cell, 48: 521-531.
Wei Lu, Xiaoli Tang, Yanqing Huo, Rui Xu, Shengdong Qi, Jingguang Huang, Chengchao Zheng, Changai Wu*. (2012) Identification and characterization of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals a gene family with diverse responses to abiotic stresses. Gene, 503: 65-74.
Gang Wang, Qingguo Zhu, Qingwei Meng, Changai Wu*. (2012) Transcript profiling during salt stress of young cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seedlings via Solexa sequencing. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 34:107-115.
Yanjie Li, Yaru Fu, Jingguang Huang, Changai Wu*, Chengchao Zheng*. (2011) Transcript profiling during the early development of the maize brace root via Solexa sequencing. The FEBS Journal, 278: 156-166.
Ruirui Xu, Shengdong Qi, Longtao Lu, Changtian Chen, Changai Wu*, Chengchao Zheng*. (2011) A DExD/H box RNA helicase is important for potassium deprivation responses and tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. The FEBS Journal, 278(13): 2293-2306.
Jing Shi, Liang Zhang, Hailong An, Changai Wu*, Xingqing Guo*. (2011) GhMPK16, a novel stress-responsive group D MAPK gene from cotton, is involved in disease resistance and drought sensitivity. BMC Molecular Biology, 12:22.
Yanjie Li, Yaru Fu, Lusha Ji, Changai Wu*, Chengchao Zheng*. (2010). Characterization and expression analysis of the Arabidopsis mir169 family. Plant Science, 178: 271-280.
Pei Liu, Guodong Yang, Hong Li, Changai Wu*. (2010) Overexpression of NHX1s in transgenic Arabidopsis enhances photoprotection capacity in high salinity and drought conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 32: 81-90.
Hanhua Liu, Xin Tian, Yanjie Li, Changai Wu*, Chengchao Zheng*. (2008) Microarray-based Analysis of Stress-regulated microRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana. RNA, 14: 836-843.
Changai Wu1, Guodong Yang, Qingwei Meng, Chengchao Zheng. (2004) The cotton GhNHX1 gene encoding a novel putative tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporter plays an important role in salt stress. Plant & Cell Physiology, 45: 600-607.
山奈酚在制备促进植物生长、提高植物耐盐性的制剂中的应用, 专利号:ZL202010854404.2